A collection of data from various sources about Covid19. Updated sort of daily except the ones with 'weekly' in their name.
In many cases there is a mathematical model fitted to the data to provide an estimate of the future course of the pandemic. This is purely speculative and shouldn't be taken too seriously. Does it look like a good fit? If not, ignore it.
Some data is available as a simple download. Some, though, require use of an API to retrieve the data. Why would you make it difficult to obtain the data?
The animation below shows the progress of the Covid-19 pandemic in LTLAs. Note that, to improve the appearance, the data is smoothed with a 7-day moving average. You can click 'play' to see the video or move the slider to inspect particular moments. (The video file is quite small - a little over 1 megabyte; if you're using an iPad or iPhone it may help to turn the device sideways into landscape mode)