Captain Fluff
I woke up suddenly
still wrapped in my dream.
"Stop banging on my door"
I muttered to the space
rabbits, although the
banging was real.
I rubbed my face with a
weary paw, no! Hand.
The earth was growling
deep and low,
the crows were going mad
in the middle of the night.
For a second I was back in space
the pirates battering on our shields.
For a second the engines shuddered
with the power being used.
but it was none of these things
it was an earthquake in England.
Why midnight? I thought.
Grumpily punching my pillow
worrying if I would find my
way back to my dream command.
We had to get those supplies through
to the colony or more rabbits would die.
And as the creaking earth
settled down again to the
distant squall of car alarms No!
It's the proximity alarm!
I can't believe they've laid mines
on this busy trade route!
They must be desperate
but it's a harsh galaxy.
Eat or be eaten is the law
and I've got bigger teeth than you
and ears for that matter.