Fox Crap on his Shoe
Crap! Thought the fox,
I thought that my range
only reached as far as that Elm.
But my scent comes to me
from all the way down
that man-made trail.
The fox set off
determined to find
the edge of his domain.
But wherever he walked
wherever he ran,
his scent still lay ahead.
soon, doing a quick calculation
in his head (radius x 2 x pi)
the fox realised the new size of his range.
In human terms it would be
something of the size
of Europe.
Ruddy Hell. Thought the fox,
this must be a sign that the lord
wants me to rule the entire world!
Soon after the fox caught up
with a man,
Hail messiah thought the fox,
Hail messiah.
But then it occured to him
that a fox messiah was
unlikely to appear in the form
of a man.
The fox looked closer,
he saw that the man
was taking his scent with him.
Steadily increasing the lands of the fox.
"Walk on my beatiful human."
thought the fox.
"Walk on and bring me glory."
The man walked on.